Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Another Survey . . .

I've been toying with the idea of designing an Adult Programming Survey to determine what types of programs our patrons might be interested in, what time of day works best, etc. Has anyone conducted a survey like this? If so, was it worthwhile? Thanks!


  1. A survey we did several years ago asked what day of the week and time the responder would be most likely to attend a program, as well as what guests and/or topics they would be most interested in. Previously, we routinely scheduled programs for Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings (logic being Mondays are so busy for many people and we close at 5:00 PM on Fridays) with a 7:00 PM start time.

    The survey results were uneven with no clear majority as to day, so we've stayed with T,W,Th. Several responded that a 6:30 PM start time worked best for them, and guests they wanted included John Grisham and J.K. Rowling.

    Thereafter, we tried a 6:30 PM start time with no calculable increase in attendance, but many people letting us know it was an inconvenient time for them.

    Was our survey worthwhile? I don't think so, but then that was only OUR survey. Survey nothwithstanding, we are at wits' end trying to figure out how to provide our community with events they will attend and enjoy, so we would be tremendously interested in your survey results if you would please share them.

    PS Neither Mr. Grisham nor Ms. Rowling have replied to our invitation but we keep checking the mail. Surely it will be any day now.

  2. I've used evaluation sheets at some adult programs. One of the questions asked what future programs the attendees would like the library to offer. The information was somewhat helpful for planning adult programs.

  3. Obviously, there is no time or day that will please everyone. Commit to a day and time for programs. Publicize them widely - not just on flyers in the library but in community newspapers, your web page, email alerts to patrons. And don't forget word of mouth - the best advertising there is! Every staff member needs to know about the programs and help promote them by simply talking them up.

    Now stick to that schedule. It may take 3 months, 6 months, a year to establish that X Public Library holds wonderful programs for adults on Tuesday evenings(or whenever). Be patient! It takes time to build an audience.
