Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Card game/board game program

Thanks Laurie for setting up this blog. Up until now I've just been an observer but now I have an actual question!

Has anyone ever hosted a card game or board game program for adults? I am looking into getting one started but have a few questions as to how the games were acquired, the length of the program, the turnout, which games were used and the regularity of the program.



  1. Hello! I'm starting a "trivia club" at the New Berlin Public Library and we will be playing Trivial Pursuit's Book Lover's ed. Sundays in March. I have it scheduled from 1:30-3:00 and will be sure to post the results of the program! the good, bad and ugly;) Good luck! Natalie

  2. A trivia club sounds like a good idea! How did it go?
